What Ever Happened to ...? : 1970


Oakley, John, 1970

I live in Richmond, VA, having moved my mother and father down there about 15 years ago.  We lost my Dad in 2014 at the age of 91, but my Mom and one son still live in there.  My other son and daughter live in the DC area.  I've been working on a polymer start-up outside of Boston for the past two-and-a-half years, and I go back and forth about every two  weeks.  I've got an apartment up there and a house in Richmond.  I started a specialty chemical company in 1996.  It's a virtual company.  I own the IP and sales and contract out the manufacturing.  I picked up this polymer start-up project approximately three years ago.  A group of investors asked me to take on the COO role for modest compensation and a piece of equity.  Between my business and the start-up, things have been pretty good.  If the start-up hits, things could get very good.




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